
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{book}
\usepackage[english,bidi=default]{babel}        % Typeset Arabic
\babelprovide[import,main]{arabic}              % Typeset Arabic
\babelfont[arabic]{rm}[Script=Arabic]{Amiri}    % Typeset Arabic {Arabic Typesetting}

\usepackage{listings} % Typeset Code


% Define Python typeset format
    language=Python,                            % Python language syntax
    basicstyle=\ttfamily\small,                 % Basic font style (tt = monospaced)
    keywordstyle=\bfseries\color{blue},         % Keywords in bold blue
    stringstyle=\color{green},          % Strings in green
    commentstyle=\color{red},           % Comments in gray
    numbers=left,                               % Line numbers on the left
    numberstyle=\tiny\color{green},   % Line numbers style
    stepnumber=1,                               % Number every line
    numbersep=4mm,                              % Space between numbers and code
    backgroundcolor=\color{white},  % Light gray background
    identifierstyle=\color{purple},     % Set color for identifiers purple (variable names)
    showstringspaces=false,                     % Don't show spaces in strings
    frame=single,                               % Box around the code
    rulecolor=\color{green},                % Color of the box around the code 
    framesep=3mm,                               % Padding around code
    breaklines=true,                            % Break long lines
    breakatwhitespace=true,                     % Break only at whitespace
    tabsize=5,                                  % Set tab size to 4 spaces
    aboveskip=10pt,                             % Space above the code
    belowskip=10pt,                             % Space below the code
% Set "mypython" as the default style


هذا مثال لكود بايثون بسيط
# This is a simple addition program, the program askes user to input two values, then it addes them, then it displays the result.
num1 = float(input("Enter first number: "))
num2 = float(input("Enter second number: "))
result = num1 + num2
print("The result is:", result)






  • 2
    我认为这是 babel/arabic 的问题,因为如果我将您的文档转换为完全英文,它就可以正常工作(我无法帮助您,因为我没有您使用的字体,抱歉)。


  • 谢谢 CarLaTeX,实际上,我必须感谢你的回答,感谢你纠正了我的问题。我完全同意这是因为 babel/arabic,我希望这里有人以前遇到过这个问题并解决了它。


  • 有帮助吗


  • XeTeX 还是 LuaTeX?


  • 谢谢 Javier Bezos,我正在使用 LuaTeX




\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{book}
\usepackage[english,bidi=default]{babel}        % Typeset Arabic
\babelprovide[import,main]{arabic}              % Typeset Arabic
\babelfont[arabic]{rm}[Script=Arabic]{Amiri}    % Typeset Arabic {Arabic Typesetting}

\usepackage{listings} % Typeset Code


% Define Python typeset format
    language=Python,                    % Python language syntax
    basicstyle=\ttfamily\small,         % Basic font style (tt = monospaced)
    keywordstyle=\bfseries\color{blue}, % Keywords in bold blue
    stringstyle=\color{green},          % Strings in green
    commentstyle=\color{red},           % Comments in gray
    numbers=left,                       % Line numbers on the left
    numberstyle=\tiny\color{green},     % Line numbers style
    stepnumber=1,                       % Number every line
    numbersep=4mm,                      % Space between numbers and code
%    backgroundcolor=\color{white},      % Light gray background
    identifierstyle=\color{purple},     % Set color for identifiers purple (variable names)
    showstringspaces=false,             % Don't show spaces in strings
%    frame=single,                       % Box around the code
%    rulecolor=\color{green},            % Color of the box around the code 
%    framesep=3mm,                       % Padding around code
    breaklines=true,                    % Break long lines
    breakatwhitespace=true,             % Break only at whitespace
    tabsize=5,                          % Set tab size to 4 spaces
%    aboveskip=10pt,                     % Space above the code
%    belowskip=10pt,                     % Space below the code

  sharp corners,
  listing only,
  listing options={style=mypython,#1},


هذا مثال لكود بايثون بسيط

# This is a simple addition program, the program asks user to input two values, then it adds them, then it displays the result.
num1 = float(input("Enter first number: "))
num2 = float(input("Enter second number: "))
result = num1 + num2
print("The result is:", result)



  • 谢谢@egreg,这个解决方案非常好,它甚至给了我更多的格式化选项。



listings使用 格式化代码\parshape,这在 中有些问题luatex。尽管babel修改了列表环境以调整其行为(LaTeX 内核中没有其他用途,iir),但可能存在依赖此命令的包。为了调整确切的行为,luatex提供了\shapemode。在这种情况下,以下内容解决了问题:

# This is a simple addition program, the program askes user to input two values, then it addes them, then it displays the result.
num1 = float(input("Enter first number: "))
num2 = float(input("Enter second number: "))
result = num1 + num2
print("The result is:", result)




  • 谢谢@ Javier Bezos,我也将尝试这个。
