Here is a list of best free remote screen annotation software for Windows. Remote screen annotation is commonly used for teaching purposes and to draw attention to a specific part of a screen. Through these software, you can access and annotate the screen of a remote system. Through some software, you can also quickly switch between the screens of multiple remote systems and annotate their screens.  To annotate the screen, most of these software offer a simple freehand draw or pen tool. Although some of them also offer shape tools, text tools, underline tools, etc. You can also find virtual whiteboards in some software that users can annotate and share with one another. These software also provide handy session recording features through which you can record the entire screen annotation session. Overall the process to annotate the remote screen is quite simple in all these software.

These software also acts as online video conferencing software that let you conduct meetings with multiple users at a time. To communicate with one another, you get video conferencing, audio conferencing, and text chat features. Besides this, users can also share their work screen with one another. Other useful features like file transfer, screenshot, access permissions, etc., are present in some software. Go through the list to know more about these software.

My Favorite Remote Screen Annotation Software For Windows:

AnyDesk is my favorite software because it not only annotates a remote screen but also lets you control the entire remote system. Plus, it offers multiple screen annotation tools that you can easily use.

You can also check out lists of best free Remote WorkingRemote Task Manager, and Remote Access software for Windows.


AnyDesk is a free remote screen annotation software for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Linux, and FreeBSD. It is mainly a remote desktop client software that also lets you annotate the screen of a remote computer. Plus, you can also use it to take control of a remote system and access it like your own system. You can also open applications on a remote system with it. The process to connect to a remote system is also quite simple. To do that, you need to enter the AnyDesk ID of a remote system to your system to establish the connection. Now, check out its main features.

Main Features:

  • 注释栏:通过单击笔图标,您可以打开注释栏。在这个栏中,您可以找到许多注释工具,通过它们可以给对象添加下划线、圈出对象、覆盖对象以及更改不同对象的注释颜色。
  • 多屏幕注释:该软件还使您能够一次连接到多个远程系统。您可以通过选项卡在不同远程系统的屏幕之间快速切换,并使用注释栏工具轻松对其进行注释。
  • 会话录制:通过此功能,您可以录制整个屏幕注释会话,以便稍后查看并与其他人共享。
  • 屏幕截图:注释后,您还可以对远程系统的屏幕进行屏幕截图并将其保存为图像。


  • 权限:使用它,远程系统的用户可以授予更多或减少现有权限,例如传输声音、控制鼠标、控制键盘、同步剪贴板、阻止用户输入等。
  • 聊天:使用它,您可以与远程系统的用户聊天。
  • 文件传输:此功能允许您在您的系统和远程系统之间传输文件和数据。


  • 该软件仅免费供非商业用途。




TeamViewer是一款免费且流行的远程访问软件,也可以用作远程屏幕注释软件。它适用于 Windows、macOS、Linux 和其他流行的操作系统。使用它,您可以连接、访问控制远程系统。要建立远程和本地系统之间的连接,您需要在本地系统中输入远程系统的TeamViewer ID密码。连接后,您可以查看远程桌面屏幕并开始使用可用的注释工具对远程屏幕进行注释。现在,看看它的主要功能。


  • 白板:这是提供所有注释工具的主要部分,例如(用于执行徒手注释)、荧光笔(使用它来突出显示远程屏幕上存在的任何对象或文本)、橡皮擦(用于删除注释)、矩形(用于在远程屏幕上绘制矩形)、文本(在远程屏幕上写入文本)等。
  • 会话录制:您可以使用它来记录远程屏幕注释过程和其他屏幕活动。
  • 屏幕截图:它允许您截取远程屏幕的屏幕截图,带或不带注释。


  • 通信:此部分提供多种通信工具,使您可以与远程系统的用户聊天和视频通话。
  • 文件传输:通过此功能,您可以轻松地在远程和本地计算机之间传输文件、数据和文档。
  • 与合作伙伴切换双方:这是一项方便的功能,可让您将本地系统的控制权交给已连接的远程系统的用户。


  • TeamViewer 的免费版本仅供私人和非商业用途。




Screen是另一个适用于 Windows 的免费远程屏幕注释软件。该软件还可以用作在线会议和屏幕共享软件。它提供与多个用户通信的所有三种方法,例如视频会议、音频会议文本聊天此外,它还允许您在其他加入的用户可以查看的屏幕上进行注释。现在,看看该软件的主要功能。


  • 钢笔工具:这是该软件提供的主要注释工具,通过它您可以在在线会议期间轻松注释屏幕。除了钢笔工具之外,您还可以获得一个调色板,可以用不同的颜色对屏幕进行注释。
  • 锁定钢笔工具:默认情况下,屏幕上的所有注释会在几秒钟后自动消失。如果您想永久锁定屏幕上的注释,则需要启用锁笔功能。
  • 屏幕共享:通过此功能,会议的所有用户都可以与其他用户共享屏幕,任何人都可以在屏幕上进行注释。


  • 该软件在 COVID-19 大流行期间完全免费使用。




Zoom是另一款适用于 Windows、iOS 和 Android 的免费远程屏幕注释软件。它主要是一个在线会议软件,通过它您可以通过视频会议文本聊天同时与多个用户进行交流为了注释远程屏幕,它提供了一个可由多个用户注释的白板。在注释过程中,用户还可以进行语音、视频、文字聊天让我们简单介绍一下该软件的主要功能。


  • Whiteboard: This feature comes under the Screen Share section that lets a remote user share a whiteboard with multiple users. Over the whiteboard, you can easily annotate through available annotation tools like Text (to add text over the whiteboard), Draw (to freehand draw or annotate over the whiteboard), Stamp (to add stamp over the whiteboard), Eraser (to remove annotations), and more. After the annotation, you can locally save the whiteboard.
  • Record: Through this feature, you can record the entire meeting along with the whiteboard annotation process. All the recordings will save in MP4 video format.

Additional Features:

  • Reactions: During a meeting, all its participants can use this feature to share clap and thumb up reactions with others.
  • Participants: It allows the meeting host to mute, remove, and add more participants.
  • Security: It is an administrative feature for the meeting host so that he or she can allow other participants to chat and share a whiteboard during the meeting.


  • In this free version of Zoom, you can only host up to 100 participants and perform a group meeting for up to 40 minutes.

Final Thoughts:

It is another capable remote screen annotation that enables multiple users to annotate and share their screens with others.


Published Date: 7 Jul, 2020
Modified Date: 7 Jul, 2020


Naveen Kushwaha
